
How To Fix Windows 10 Error 0xc000021a

Wondershare Recoverit Authors

Microsoft releases Windows updates regularly, which besides fix bugs from previous updates. Merely, the new Windows update brings new errors as well. And the stop code 0xc000021a is ane of the most common errors y'all could run across. If you're looking for ways to prepare this error, then you take come to the right place. Here, nosotros'll walk you lot through possible causes of the end lawmaking error 0xc000021a on your Windows PC and how to fix the error. Moreover, you'll acquire how to recover information lost due to the mistake.

  • Part i: Reasons Behind Stop Lawmaking 0Xc000021AError
  • Part 2: 10 Solutions to Ready the Stop Code 0Xc000021A Error
  • Office three: How to Recover Unsaved files due to BSOD terminate code 0xc000021a?

Part 1: Reasons Behind Stop Code 0Xc000021AError

"Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart" will occur while updating Windows. Your PC won't boot normally and will display the blueish screen along with the 0xc000021a error lawmaking. The winlogon.exe and csrss.exe files are the culprits behind the error.

  • Winlogon.exe: As the file proper name signifies, this fine is responsible for sign-in and sign-out performance within Windows. It can be corrupted because of third-party software or system files mismatch.
  • Csrss.exe: It belongs to Microsoft client or server. If this file gets corrupted, then end code or BSODD mistake 0xc000021a will occur.

In addition to that, another factors could crusade fault such as:

  • The interference of external devices
  • Corrupt device drivers or wrong configuration
  • Corrupt or damage Window registry
  • Premature unload of wbmprox.dll library
  • An installed tool that'south incompatible with an operating system

Part ii: 11 Solutions to Fix the Stop Lawmaking 0Xc000021A Error

Since you're enlightened of the plausible causes of the end lawmaking 0xc000021a fault, allow's now explore its solutions to get the error fixed.

Method ane: Unplug External Devices

It might exist possible that at that place is an interference of external devices and that's why yous encounter the terminate lawmaking error 0xc000021a. Therefore, it is recommended to unplug all of your external devices from your computer. In a while, endeavor restarting your calculator and encounter if the error is gone at present.

If the event persists, then try the following methods right away.

On the other hand, if the error goes away, then information technology ways that ane of the external devices is the culprit of the encountering the error. In this scenario, you can effort plugging the device back 1 by one until the fault stop code 0xc000021a appears once again. This would aid you decide the external device that causes the problem.

Method 2: Repair Corrupt System Files

Equally mentioned above, corrupted arrangement files tin crusade the error on your Windows 10 PC. In this instance, SFC (System File Checker) comes in handy. This is a built-in feature of Windows and it can assist you resolve the problem. When yous're in Windows Safe Style, you simply take to follow the below steps to get the error stock-still:

Step 1: Enter "cmd" in the search box and and so right-tap the "Command Prompt" in the search results and select "Run as administrator" from the submenu.

open command prompt

Step 2: In the command prompt, enter "sfc /scannow" and so press Enter. So, the program will brainstorm scanning and repairing your damaged system files.

run sfc scan

Step 3: In one case the process completes, reboot your estimator and see if the error is gone.

Method 3: Boot Windows Without the Driver Signature Enforcement Feature

The Driver Signature Enforcement characteristic prevents drivers that aren't digitally signed from running on Windows PC. It tin can cause the finish code 0xc000021a error. Thus, you demand to plough information technology off after you boot into your system. Below are the steps to aid y'all get this task done:

Pace 1: To embark the process, restart your PC and keep tapping F8. And if that doesn't work, then use F11 to open the windows carte.

Step 2: Your figurer should boot in the Recovery options menu. Select "Troubleshoot">" Avant-garde Options">" Startup Settings">" Restart".

recovery options

Pace three: Hold F7 to reboot your system, this will showtime your organisation with Disable Driver Signature Enforcement disabled

disable drive signature

Bank check if the trouble is fixed. If no, and so continue with the following methods.

Method 4: Uninstall Recently Installed Software/Hardware

If you lot install whatever hardware or software earlier encountering the stop code 0xc000021a fault, so y'all consider uninstalling them to resolve the mistake. It could be possible that recently installed hardware or software is incompatible with your operating system. In this case, the all-time thing to practice is to uninstall recently installed hardware or software and this would probably fix the fault.

Method v: Run DISM Control

You can also try running the DISM command. Simply like the SFC scan, a DISM scan helps you resolve the error. When the SFC scan didn't fix the error for yous, then yous can try using the DISM command. So, cheque out the below steps to learn how to use a DISM browse.

Step 1: Similarly to the SFC browse, you need to first open the command prompt. For that, enter "cmd" in the search bar, and then correct-click "Command Prompt" and select "Run equally administrator".

Pace 2: Once you're in a command prompt, enter the command - "DISM /Online /Cleanup-Paradigm /RestoreHealth" and hit Enter.

run dism command

Step iii: The DISM scan volition now begin. Let the scan completes.

In one case the scan is completed, bank check if the error is all the same in that location.

Method six: Supersede All Corrupted Registry Hive Files with Backups

Since your PC volition try to access bones registry editor configuration files, the computer tin be afflicted by corrupted registry hive files. Hence, the "Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart" error occurs. In this scenario, yous need to replace the corrupted registry files with backups to fix the mistake.

If you tin enter Prophylactic Mode, then yous can supersede the corrupted files in the registry editor through File Explorer. But, if you cannot, and then y'all need to perform this job via Control Prompt under the Windows Recovery Environment.

You tin can enter the Windows Recovery Environs with the employ of a Windows Installation USB/disc that contains the installation files of your current Windows version. Then, you can follow the below steps to set the error:

Stride 1: To start with, insert the Windows installation USB or disc into your affected PC and then, reboot it.

Step 2: Printing "Delete/F2/Esc" or other keys/fundamental combinations when rebooting your computer to enter the BIOS.

Footstep 3: Now, prepare the installation USB or disc as the kickoff boot order and follow the instructions. Save the changes and quit.

Stride four: Enter the 'Widows Recovery Environment" co-ordinate to the instructions on the screen. Click "Repair your Reckoner">" Troubleshoot">" Command Prompt".

Step v: Enter the command: 'cd windows\system32\config" and hit Enter.

enter command

Pace six: Type "dir" and hit Enter. At present, all the folders and files in the directory volition exist shown in the command prompt.

Pace vii: Type "System System.quondam" (Organization - the actual file shown in the Control prompt) and hitting Enter. You have to perform this operation for other files (non folders) that are shown in the Control Prompt.

Footstep 8: Rename all the files in the directory and then blazon "cd RegBack" and hit Enter.

Step ix: Enter "dir" and hit Enter. Now, you'll run into all the folders and files in this directory.

Step ten: Enter the following commands one by ane and press Enter subsequently typing each control:

  • copy /Y SOFTWARE
  • copy /Y SAM
  • re-create /Y Organization

Later on then, put the registry hives back for the folders that yous renamed. And then, exit Control Prompt. Press the Go out fundamental to remove Windows installation media and reboot your PC to check if the error is gone now.

Method 7: Reset BIOS

Endeavor to reset BIOS to fix stop code 0xc000021a error.

Stride 1: Turn off your PC.

Step ii: Unplug every power cable on the PC to turn off a ability source of the system entirely.

Pace three: Open up the system'southward chassis.

Step four: Locate the CMOS bombardment of the reckoner and remove it. Wait for one to two minutes and then, place the bombardment dorsum in.

Footstep five: Restart your PC and cheque if things are alright at present.

Method 8: Organization Restore

If y'all've enabled restore in your Windows PC, then you can restore your reckoner to an earlier version and this will fix the issue.

Step one: Reboot your estimator and press F8/F11 to open the Windows bill of fare.

Step 2: Click "Troubleshoot">" Avant-garde Options" and you lot'll see arrangement restore.

system restore

Step three: Select your operating organisation.

Step 4: Organisation Restore will launch and you'll be shown to select a restore signal, choose a point that is close to the engagement you started getting fault.

Step five: Hit Aye or Next to the instructions that volition announced to y'all.

Method ix: Reset Windows

In Windows 8/8.1/x, you can reset your computer to gear up the error. But, it will delete all personal data from your system. If you even so want to requite a try, and so follow the below steps:

Step 1: Reboot your PC.

Step 2: Agree on the F8 or F11 key.

Pace 3: Cull the keyboard layout, if y'all get a prompt.

Step 4: Click "Troubleshoot">" Reset Your Computer".

reset windows

Step five: Follow the instructions and let the process consummate.

Method ten: Reinstall Windows OS

If zero above helps you to gear up stop code 0xc000021a on your Windows 10 PC, then y'all can consider reinstalling Windows OS.

Step 1: Starting time of all, you need to create a bootable USB flash drive with the help of the Windows 10 Media Creation tool (you can download it from Microsoft official website). You lot need to perform this operation on a working computer if you're not able to boot into your current Windows.

Step 2: Insert the prepared USB flash drive into your affected PC. Press Delete or F2 key to enter BIOS and then prepare the bootable USB drive as the beginning boot device. Later so, boot from the USB bulldoze.

create bootable media

Step iii: When the system has successfully booted from the USB flash drive, you lot will run into a Windows logo and then a below screen. At present, specify language, fourth dimension and currency format, and Keyboard or input method and and so click "Next".

boot drive

Pace iv: Click on "Install Now".

install now

Footstep 5: Follow the instructions and let it install. Once the procedure completes, you lot just have to sign-in with your business relationship.

Function 3: How to Recover Unsaved files due to BSOD stop code 0xc000021a?

If you got the BSOD finish code 0xc000021a error while working on an important file and you lot didn't salve the work, no worries!! Simply use Recoverit Data Recovery and go back your unsaved files without much hassle. With the help of this software, yous can recover more than one thousand file types including photos, videos, audios, documents, etc on your calculator. Indeed, no matter how yous lost your data, Recoverit Data Recovery comes in handy to rescue your important files.

Thanks to its user-friendly interface, anyone tin can now recover lost or deleted data on the computer even if you have no prior experience in this.

Are yous gear up to give a try to Recoverit Information Recovery? Get the software from is an official website on your computer and and so follow the below steps:

Stride i: Select a location

Launch Recoverit Data Recovery on the reckoner. From the main interface, select a location from where you would like to recover data. In one case selecting the target location, hit on the "Start" button.

recoverit interface

Pace two: Scan the location

Once y'all click the "First" push, the software will begin an all-around scan on the figurer to look for lost, deleted, or unsaved files. Allow the software complete the scan process.

operations during scanning

Pace 3: Preview and recover data

After the successful scan, the software will permit you preview the recoverable data before yous perform recovery. One time locating the target files you lot want to recover, select them, and hit on the "Recover" button to go the files dorsum.

preview recovered photos

The Bottom Line:

Hopefully, this post has helped you with fixing the stop lawmaking 0xc000021a mistake on your Windows PC. If you've no clue most the exact cause of encountering an mistake, then we recommend you endeavour the solutions one by one until you resolve it successfully. For users looking for a way to recover unsaved files due to the mistake, Recoverit Data Recovery is highly recommended. The hassle-free recovery process of the software will assist you rescue your important files safely and efficiently.


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